Today has been a whirlwind of a day. We knew things weren't quite right with Jack since he was born, but it wasn't until 6-7 hours later that it was discovered that he might have a serious problem. Jack was taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where he will be staying for the next 7 days. Jack likely has an infection in his lungs that is causing him to have a lot of trouble breathing. Jack's breathing is very rapid! He is currently taking 90-120 breaths per minute when he should be between 30 and 50. He was started on antibiotics today and will likely be on a 7 day course, which means he will be in the NICU for 7 days. Because he is working so hard to breathe it makes his heart rate a little higher, too.
Tommy and I were able to go down and see Jack this evening, and it was heartbreaking. He has wires coming out of him all over his tiny little body. He has an oxygen hood over his head that is providing him with the oxygen he needs, and his arms and legs are restrained. It is crushing to watch him work so hard just to breathe. His tiny little body is fighting so hard with every single breath he takes, and we hate to watch it and not be able to do anything to help. The staff here is wonderful! The neonatologist spent a lot of time with us explaining what was going on with him. She showed us his chest x-rays which she says look very bad. His lungs, which should be completely clear, are filled with either the presence of fluid or an infection. The good news is that she says he is looking 1000% better than he did when they took him to the NICU. We're so happy about that!
So as we go into Jack's first night and he is not with us, we ask that you please pray with us. There is nothing we can do, and we know that. We are seeing that the plans and ideas we had mean nothing, and all we know how to do is bow before the Lord in prayer.
We are specifically praying for:
- Jack's breathing to SLOW down. He's at 90-120 breaths per minute now when he should be around 30-50 breaths per minute.
- Jack cannot eat until his breathing slows down, which is obviously a big deal.
- They will do another chest xray in the morning. We are praying for HUGE improvements on his xray as right now his lungs appear to be totally filled with fluid/infection.
We cannot thank you enough for praying with us! We are desperate to see this boy breathe with ease and not be in so much pain. We are desperate for him to get better. We love you all and appreciate your kind words and loving support.

Praying alongside of you to the One Who Is Able. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteLauren, he is so sweet & precious. Jack, you and Tommy are in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteRemember that the God of all Creation loves your little Jack even more than you, and He has had a plan for that boy since before time. He could not be in more capable hands. We love you guys and are praying for the infection to disappear and his breathing to SLOW!
ReplyDeleteLauren he is absolutely beautiful! We are praying praying praying for him and you all!
ReplyDeletePraying for you and your family for Jack to get better. He is adorable!