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That's right, it's National Nutrition Month!! And those of us in the field are probably the only ones who know. But that brings us to our goal: to spread the word and help others learn to enjoy eating healthy!
I love to eat healthy. I also love my sweets, but vegetables and fruit are really so fun to me! To someone who doesn't like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, it is not so fun; in fact, for some people thinking about eating healthy can just be a thorn in their side. My job is to figure out how to change that in a REALISTIC way. None of us can completely decide to change one whole aspect of our lives and stick with it permanently. I want to exercise more, but I know even if I am diligent about it for 2 weeks, I won't be for a 3rd and 4th. I will have the best of intentions and mean well but just can't keep up with such a drastic change. This happens to all of us.
So this Nutrition Month my goal is to help others find and be happy with realistic goals to make changes in their lives. For one person that might mean drinking fewer sodas and for another adding vegetables. It's all individual.
I hope this will be a fun month. Happy Nutrition!
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