
the back side.

I wish I could show you a sweet picture of Jack's face at 8 months, but these really are more accurate to what life with Jack is like these days.  My man on the move!  And yes, I had to give up and put the sticker on his back. 

*I tried really hard to flip these... no luck.


happy 8 months Jack!

My Dear Jack Baby,

At 8 months you are the most active you've ever been!  A couple of weeks ago you started pulling up, and you love it so much that it has made crawling seem dull to you.  I think you will walk soon.  You crawl so fast these days- mostly using it as a means to get to something better to pull up on but also to explore the world.  You spend your days playing, eating, talking, and learning more and more.  You have learned to wave bye-bye but you don't use your hand, instead you wave your arm in circles from the elbow up- cutest.thing.ever.  You love rice cereal and oatmeal.  You used to love green beans but you fight them now.  Your favorite thing to do is feed yourself finger foods!  You love being a big boy and feeding yourself, and it's so fun to watch.  You show us love now, and it melts our hearts every time.  You crawl to us and pull yourself up onto our laps or pull on our legs so that we pick you up.  You make my day when you do this.  You love to go for walks, especially when the dogs are with us.  Your doggies always make you laugh!  You love your grandparents very much and laugh and smile at them when you see them.  You have a great smile and are developing more and more of your personality every day.  We love you so much Jack, and love being your parents.  Happy 8 months! 

All Our Love,
Mom & Dad  


new direction.

This afternoon Jack and I went for a play date.  It's so fun to have a baby friend to play with... and a mama friend for me.  My heart has been longing for this for awhile.  We were in a part of Knoxville that I honestly have never been to before.  I definitely live in a West-Knoxville bubble-- a problem and a rant for another post -- but I forget that places like Powell, Karns, Halls, etc. are all a part of Knoxville.  Anyway, I had to use my GPS to get home.  As I pulled out of her neighborhood I turned on my GPS and hit "GO HOME".  I mindlessly followed the GPS, as I so many times have.  After awhile the road looked somewhat familiar.  When I realized where I was, I was so confused about where I had been and how I had gotten there.  I looked over at my GPS to see where it was taking me and why I went this way that seemed to have been wrong.  I knew there was a faster, better way to where I wanted to go.  I glanced down and saw this:

Notice the arrival time-- 10:27 PM.  PM, I thought???  This was at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.  I just kept thinking that something was wrong with my GPS, and then it hit me- the GPS was fine, it was me that was the problem.  You see, my "GO HOME" was still programmed for our Maryland home.  We're going in a new direction now.  We have shifted, picked up, and have been living this somewhat unsettled life for two months now.  I say unsettled because there are so many unknowns.  When will our house sell?  When will we move out of our parents' house?  Where will we live?  Will I get a job?  Now, today, and this year of 2012, our family is moving in a new direction.  We have a new calling to listen to.  I will re-program my mind and my GPS, and we will plant our family here--- whatever that brings for us in 2012.

[And yes, I do realize that this is probably one of the dumbest things I've done.]


warning: gross images ahead.

Bathtime is a favorite time in this house.  It is special Daddy-Jack time, and it is treasured by all three of us!  Usually bath time looks like this:

Playful, sweet, toys, Daddy, Jack, fun.

Tonight bath time looked like this: 

And that is nothing compared to what already went down the drain.  This kid let it ALL go in the tub.  Never seen anything like it.  We ran around the house trying to find another tub to wash him off in because I had to clean this one.  We laughed SO hard!  Fun memories.  

 By the way, I may be slightly crazy for posting this picture.  And yes, my mother would be apalled that I put this picture on the internet. 


happy birthday!

Happy birthday to my Dad! So thankful for the dad he is and all he has done and does for us. More importantly though, I'm thankful for how he has always loved us more than we could ever know. Happy birthday, Daddy!
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breakfast out.

Happy New Year!

We have had an awesome weekend!  Tommy was off work yesterday and today so we really enjoyed our extra time together.  Yesterday my sister babysat Jack while Tommy and I went on a lunch date and went shopping.  It was so fun and a great time for us to reconnect-- we haven't had much alone time since we moved.  Thanks Lindsay for loving on Jack and loving us too!

Today we celebrated with breakfast out!  It's one of our favorite things to do, and it's definitely a special treat.  We went to We're Cooking.  Never been there before but my brother is a big fan, and now I see why.  Love the hospitality and kindness of the man working there, love the food.

It was 18 degrees this morning... 

Apparently in the morning my eyes don't open. 

My breakfast-- amazing pancakes! 

Tommy's breakfast -- the best french toast in town.