Happy 2 months baby! I cannot believe that we have had the blessing of having you with us for 2 months now! It seems like we've known you forever, yet also that we just brought you home from the NICU yesterday. You are the biggest blessing we've ever known. Your daddy and I love to watch you as you kick, squirm, smile, laugh, eat, and sleep. We've never experienced such joy. Right now at two months you are learning so much. Recently you have spent your days fighting sleep because you are learning and playing so much. You love to play with your daddy. You give him the biggest smiles, and when he has been with you for awhile and I come in you smile so big at me, too. And it melts our hearts. Every time. You love to eat and do it often. In your first month and a half you wanted to be held all the time. Now you like to be more independent. You love to be on your back and kick and "throw punches" as daddy says. You love looking at toys above your head. You have grown so much this month-- every day you are doing something new and exciting. You recognize Lady and Eli's noises, especially their barks. We love every little thing that you do, and we are so thankful to be your parents. Thanks for loving us like you do! We love you, our little Jackaphur!