It's hard for me to sell a vegetarian night here, but tonight I think we successfully did it. We had mini burritos with black beans, rice, cheese and salsa, and they were so tasty! I look forward to another one tomorrow! Also, I made one of our favorite dips, and I want to share it with you. This is by no means an original recipe- it's out there, but I love it and it's SO easy!
7 Layer Dip Ingredients:
Refried beans
Light Sour Cream
Taco Seasoning
Black Olives, sliced
Low-fat Cheese
The How To:
1. Refried beans- spread them along the bottom of a 9x13 dish
As you can see in the picture, the refried beans do not have any fat in them. They are high in sodium but have lots of fiber! We love fiber!
2. Wholly Guacamole! Spread the guacamole layer on top of the refried beans.
This was my first time buying this guacamole. It was a splurge, but it is very good!
3. Mix the sour cream & taco seasoning. Put one carton of sour cream in a bowl and add in taco seasoning. I usually use half a package but do it to your test. If you like a little more spice keep on adding it! Also, I bought the Target brand taco seasoning today- I like it because it does not have MSG, which we try to avoid in this house because it gives the husband headaches.
4. Add sour cream/taco seasoning mix as the next layer.
5. Sprinkle on black olives on top of the sour cream cream layer. I buy slice olives because it is easier but this is completely preference.
6. Sprinkle on lettuce.
7. Sprinkle on tomatoes- I love to use fresh, well as fresh as you get in February.
8. The final step: add the cheese!

I am so satisfied with vegetarian night #1 here. It was cheap, fresh, and healthy!